Welcome to the
What is the Embodied Moon Group
A group for the woman interested in learning more about the current Moon - it's energies, it's symbolism, how to work with these energies - all of it.
How did we use to live according to the moon? How is our cycle connected to the moon cycle? How can we work with the current moon energy to grow our business, relationships and transform our lives naturally without force?
If you're someone who feels a lot of things - emotions, energies - maybe not only from yourself but in general. I invite you to join me to explore more about the current moons and how we can work with it when we go within.
How does the current moon amplify how we feel? And how can we alchemize this to our advantage?
Receive updates about the New and Full Moon including Rituals or Practices to work with it. Learn which dates are good to manifest, release, cut your hair, get rid of unwanted body hair, do your gardening etc.
Bring the energy from the moon into your body and life.
Connect with like-minded sisters to work with the moon 🌗